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Seance 867 22.04.2019

Tomoyoshi Date + Stijn HÜwels — Hochu (excerpt) [Hochu-Ekki-Tou, Home Normal 2019]
Tomoyoshi Date + Stijn HÜwels — Tou [Hochu-Ekki-Tou, Home Normal 2019]

Seance 866 15.04.2019

Fennesz — In my Room [Agora, Touch 2019]
Fennesz — Agora ft. Mira Waldmann [Agora, Touch 2019]
Ozmotic & Fennesz — Epilogo [AirEffect, Folk Wisdom 2015]

Seance 865 08.04.2019

Byron Metcalf & Mark Seelig — Vision 1 [Persistent Visions, Projekt 2019]
Byron Metcalf & Mark Seelig — Vision 5 [Persistent Visions, Projekt 2019]

Seance 864 01.04.2019

James Bernard — Atwater [Atwater, A Strangely Isolated Place 2019]
James Bernard — End of an Era [Atwater, A Strangely Isolated Place 2019]

Seance 863 25.03.2019

William Basinski — On Time out of Time (excerpt 1) [On Time out of Time, Temporary Residence 2019]
William Basinski — On Time out of Time (excerpt 2) [On Time out of Time, Temporary Residence 2019]

Seance 862 18.03.2019

Forrest Fang — Lullaby for a Twin Moon [The Fata Morgana Dream, Projekt 2019]
Forrest Fang — Remembrance Point [The Fata Morgana Dream, Projekt 2019]

Seance 861 11.03.2019

Simon Scott — Nigh [Soundings, Touch 2019]
Simon Scott — Baaval [Soundings, Touch 2019]
Marcus Fischer & Simon Scott — Ferns (excerpt) [Shape Memory, 12k 2018]

Seance 860 04.03.2019

36 — Apartment 451 [Fade to Grey, A Strangely Isolated Place 2019]
36 — Fade to Grey [Fade to Grey, A Strangely Isolated Place 2019]

Seance 859 25.02.2019

Frame — Mercury Frame [The Journey, Glacial Movements 2019]
Frame — Mars Frame [The Journey, Glacial Movements 2019]

Seance 858 18.02.2019

Corey Fuller — Illvi∂ri [Break, 12k 2019]
Corey Fuller — Look into the Heart of Light, The Silence [Break, 12k 2019]
Ryuichi Sakamoto/illuha/taylor Deupree — Movement, 2 [Perpetual, 12k 2015]

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