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Новости передачи Seance чешского R@dio-1

Seance 713 15.02.2016

AUTISTICI & JUSTIN VARIS - Violet Green [Nine, Eilean 2016]
AUTISTICI & JUSTIN VARIS - Amber (Sleep Test for Erik) [Nine, Eilean 2016]

Seance 712 08.02.2016

WILLAMETTE - At Length and Dead Horse [Diminished Composition, Scissor Tail 2016]
WILLAMETTE - Lament young [Diminished Composition, Scissor Tail 2016]

Seance 711 01.02.2016

FORREST FANG - The Sleepwalker´s Ocean: Cloudburst [The Sleepwalker´s Ocean, Projekt 2016]
FORREST FANG - An alternate Ocean (The Salton Sea) (excerpt) [The Sleepwalker´s Ocean, Projekt 2016]

Seance 710 25.01.2016

CHIHEI HATAKEYAMA & DIRK SERRIES - Uvaer [The Storm of Silence, Glacial Movements 2016]
CHIHEI HATAKEYAMA & DIRK SERRIES - Fryst [The Storm of Silence, Glacial Movements 2016]

Seance 709 18.01.2016

STEVE ROACH - Bloodmoon Rising - Night 4 (excerpt) [Bloodmoon Rising 4CDs, Timeroom Editions 2015]
STEVE ROACH - Bloodmoon Rising - Night 3 (excerpt) [Bloodmoon Rising 4CDs, Timeroom Editions 2015]

Seance 708 11.01.2016

TAYLOR DEUPREE & MARCUS FISCHER - Draw [Twine, 12k 2015]
TAYLOR DEUPREE & MARCUS FISCHER - Wake [Twine, 12k 2015]

Seance 707 04.01.2016

AIDAN BAKER - Heliosphere [Ecliptic Plane, Dronarivm 2015]
AIDAN BAKER - Ecliptic Plane [Ecliptic Plane, Dronarivm 2015]

Seance 704 14.12.2015

CHRISTOPHER BISSONNETTE - Keeping Guard [Pitch, Paper & Foil, Kranky 2015]
CHRISTOPHER BISSONNETTE - Surcease [Pitch, Paper & Foil, Kranky 2015]

Seance 703 07.12.2015

IAN HAWGOOD & SEGUE - Plateau [Plateau Returns, Folk Reels 2015]
IAN HAWGOOD & SEGUE - Charred Breaths Holler [Plateau Returns, Folk Reels 2015]

Seance 702 30.11.2015

CELER - Soryu (excerpt) [Soryu, Two Acorns 2015]
CELER - Acrimonious, like Fiddles [How could you believe me..., Two Acorns/White Paddy Mountain 2015]
CELER - Zigzag (excerpt) [Zigzag, Spekk 2014]

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