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Новости передачи Seance чешского R@dio-1

Seance 724 02.05.2016

MAPS AND DIAGRAMS - Voyages and Travels [Delta, VoxxoV 2016]
MAPS AND DIAGRAMS - South Bend [Delta, VoxxoV 2016]
MAPS AND DIAGRAMS - Black Magic [Voodoo Tales, Handstitched 2015]

Seance 723 25.04.2016

STRATOSPHERE - Hypnotic [Rise, Projekt 2016]
STRATOSPHERE - Duality [Rise, Projekt 2016]
STRATOSPHERE - Search for Normality (Reprise) [Aftermath, Projekt 2015]

Seance 722 18.04.2016

THOMAS KÖNER - Tiento de la Luz 2 [Tiento de la Luz, Denovali 2016]
THOMAS KÖNER - Tiento de la Luz 4 [Tiento de la Luz, Denovali 2016]

Seance 721 11.04.2016

RAPOON - A Listening Ice [Song from the End of the World, Glacial Movements 2016]
RAPOON - A Sky beckons down [Song from the End of the World, Glacial Movements 2016]

Seance 720 04.04.2016

STEVE ROACH - Emotions revealed (excerpt) [Emotions revealed, Projekt 2016]
STEVE ROACH - Firelight (excerpt) [Emotions revealed, Projekt 2016]

Seance 719 28.03.2016

AGLAIA - Ecotopia [Leaves & Thunderstorms, Hic Sunt Leones 2016]
AGLAIA - Adagio [Angelus, Hic Sunt Leones 2016]
AGLAIA - Cupressus [Leaves & Thunderstorms, Hic Sunt Leones 2016]

Seance 718 21.03.2016

BEAUTUMN - Telegram [Bordeaux, Infraction 2016]
BEAUTUMN - Please do something [Bordeaux, Infraction 2016]
OFFTHESKY & PLEQ - Ashes of America [A Thousand Fields, Infraction 2015]

Seance 717 14.03.2016

ALIO DIE - Envisioned Dream (excerpt) [Seamlessly Bliss, Hic Sunt Leones 2016]
ALIO DIE - Seamlessly Bliss [Seamlessly Bliss, Hic Sunt Leones 2016]

Seance 715 29.02.2016

REZO GLONTI - Shuttle [Budapest, Dronarivm 2016]
REZO GLONTI - Yellow Tone (Unashamedly romantic) [Budapest, Dronarivm 2016]
AIDAN BAKER - Terrella [Ecliptic Plane, Dronarivm 2015]

Seance 714 22.02.2016

FEDERICO DURAND - Linternas Junto A La Laguna (Lanterns Beside The Lake) [A Través del Espejo, 12k 2016]
FEDERICO DURAND - A Través del Espejo (Through The Mirror) [A Través del Espejo, 12k 2016]

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