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Seance 372 11.05.2009

playlist 11.05.2009

Lawrence English - ... And Clouds for Company [A Colour for Autumn, 12k 2009]
Lawrence English ft. Dean Roberts - Droplet [A Colour for Autumn, 12k 2009]
Taylor Deupree - Weather [Weather and Worn EP, 12k 2009]
Taylor Deupree - Worn (Still mix) (excerpt) [Weather and Worn EP, 12k 2009]
Lawrence English - Figure´s Lone Static [Kiri No Oto, Touch Tone 2008]
Tujiko Noriko/Lawrence English/John Chantler - I can hear the Heart [U, Room40 2008]
Christopher Willits - Plants and Hearts (excerpt) [Plants and Hearts EP, Room40 2007]
DJ Olive - Buoy (excerpt) [Buoy, Room40 2004]
Tim Hecker - Norberg (excerpt) [Norberg EP, Room40 2007]

Více info na lawrenceenglish.com

ФайлРазмерСкачан разbinzip
Seance_N372_2009.05.11.cue1.21 кб
Seance_N372_2009.05.11.mp384.01 Мб102.53
Seance_N372_2009.05.11_32kbps.mp314 Мб25.69
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Hearts Of Space 875 : India

Hearts Of Space
875 : India Evolution : 8-May-2009
the sublime world of Indian ambient and devotional music

Playlist: 0875
Quality : 160 kbps
Size: 70 Mb
Download: rapidshare.com

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