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Новости передачи Seance чешского R@dio-1

Seance 399 23.11.2009

Black To Comm - Void [Alphabet 1968, Type 2009]
Black To Comm - Forst [Alphabet 1968, Type 2009]
Rameses III - All shall be well [I could not love you more, Type 2009]

Seance 398 16.11.2009

Klimek - Tears of Happiness (dismissed into Mundanity) [Movies is magic, Anticipate 2009]
Klimek - Sound of Confusion ft. Steve Heather [Movies is magic, Anticipate 2009]

Seance 397 09.11.2009

The Beautiful Schizophonic - Bambilány ft. Christina Vantzou [Erotikon, Crónica 2009]
The Beautiful Schizophonic - Furla [Erotikon, Crónica 2009]

Seance 396 02.11.2009

Soriah with Ashkelon Sain - Yoallicuicatl [Atlan, Projekt 2009]
Soriah with Ashkelon Sain - Xopancuicatl [Atlan, Projekt 2009]

Seance 395 26.10.2009

Phill Niblock - Stosspeng (excerpt) [Touch Strings, Touch 2009]
Phill Niblock - Poure (excerpt) [Touch Strings, Touch 2009]
Phill Niblock - Lucid Sea (excerpt) [Touch Three, Touch 2006]

Seance 394 19.10.2009

Ethernet - Summer Insect [144 Pulsations of Light, Kranky 2009]
Ethernet - Temple [144 Pulsations of Light, Kranky 2009]

Seance 393 12.10.2009

Saito Koji - Line (excerpt) [Time/Line, Resting Bell mp3 2009]
Saito Koji - Time (excerpt) [Time/Line, Resting Bell mp3 2009]
Saito Koji - Beautiful (excerpt) [Beautiful, SEM 2009]

Seance 392 05.10.2009

Adam Pacione - Evening Colours (excerpt) [Still Life #5 ep, Bee Eater 2009]
Adam Pacione - Green than blue [Still Life #9 ep, Bee Eater 2009]

Seance 391 28.09.2009

Deborah Martin~Erik Wollo - Sunrise at Whiteriver ft. Steve Roach [Between Worlds, Spotted Peccary 2009]
Deborah Martin~Erik Wollo - Anasazi ft. Roach [Between Worlds, Spotted Peccary 2009]

Seance 390 21.09.2009

Rameses III - Cloud King [I could not love you more, Type 2009]
Rameses III - I could not love you more [I could not love you more, Type 2009]
Rameses III - Origins III [Basilica. Important 2008]

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