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ФМ Достоевский 438 от 13.08.2005

PLAYLIST #438 13.08.2005

1 shawn lee's ping pong orchestra (usa/uk) "sexy beast" CD "music and rhythm" (ubiquity)
2 pit er pat (usa) "scared sorry" CD "shakey" (thrill jockey)
3 cheb balowski (spain) "plou plom" CD "plou plom" (kasba music)
4 slowly minute (japan) "i will go somewhere?" CD "tomorrow world" (childisc/bubble core)
5 alyosha paltsev (russia) "v chas kogda..." CD "artist" (sh 2)
6 snax (germany) "no dancing" CD "from the rocking chair to the stage" (mental groove)
7 joanna newsom (usa) "three little babes" CD "the milk eyed mender" (drag city)
8 veli kujala (finland) "suo" CD "pipoka" (rockadillo)
9 radio 4 (usa) "the death of american radio" CD "stealing of a nation" (city slang)
10 konono no1 (congo) "masikulu" CD "congotronics" (crammed)
11 keren ann (france) "la forme et le fond" CD "nolita" (capitol)
12 baskervilles (usa) "john riley and the housewives who love him" CD "baskervilles" (secret crush)
13 ruth yaakov ensemble (israel) "fostan blanco te corti" CD "ziara" (oriente)
14 marco passarani (italy) "red panda sunrise" CD "sullen look" (peace frog)
15 the box tops (usa) "call me" CD "when pigs fly" (xemu)
16 temple of sound feat.natasha atlas (uk) "cinema eden" CD "gold of the sun" (diesel motor)

ФайлРазмерСкачан разbinzip
FM_Dostoevsky_N438_2005.08.13.mp3 - 160 kbps64.87 Мб128.89
FM_Dostoevsky_N438_2005.08.13_32kbps.mp312.98 Мб57.83
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