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Seance 504 26.12.2011

bvdub - When we saved the World [Then, AY 2011]
bvdub - I knew the first Time (excerpt) [Then, AY 2011]
bvdub - What happened to us (excerpt) [Resistance is beautiful, Darla 2011]
bvdub - Instead I left you [Songs for a Friend I left behind, Distant Noise 2011]
bvdub - Taste of your own Medicine [I remember, Glacial Movements 2011]
bvdub&Ian Hawgood - Lie in lone (excrpt)[The Truth hurts,Nomadic Kids Republic 2011]
Bvdub - The House above the World [One last Look at the Sea, Quietus 2011]
Bvdub - Towers rise to the Sky [Tribes at the Temple of Silence, Home Normal 2011]

Více info na www.bvdub.org

Всех с прошедшим католическим Рождеством!
И с наступающим 2012 годом!
До встречи в Новом году!

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Seance_N504_2011.12.26.mp396.14 Мб50.17
Seance_N504_2011.12.26_32kbps.mp316.03 Мб18.62
Seance_N504_2011.12.26.cue1.1 кб
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