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Seance 347 17.11.2008

playlist 17.11.2008

Byron Metcalfe/Mark Seelig/Steve Roach - Part 1 [Nada Therma, Projekt 2008]
Byron Metcalfe/Mark Seelig/Steve Roach - Part 6 [Nada Therma, Projekt 2008]
Byron Metcalfe - Facing the Truth [A Warning from The Elders, Dr.BaM´s Music 2007]
Byron Metcalfe ft. S. Roach - Decision Point [The Shaman´s Heart, Dr.BaM´s Music 2004]
Byron Metcalfe & Mark Seelig - Deep Time Dreaming [Wachuma´s Wave, Spotted Peccary 2003]
Steve Roach & Byron Metcalfe - [The Serpent´s Lair, Projekt 2000]

Více info http://www.byronmetcalf.com/

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Seance_N347_2008.11.17.cue934 bytes
Seance_N347_2008.11.17_32kbps.mp312.63 Мб31.01
Seance_N347_2008.11.17.mp3 - 192 kbps75.74 Мб99.43
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