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Seance 854 21.01.2019

Steve Roach — Liminal [Mercurius, Projekt 2018]
Steve Roach — Atmosphere for Dreaming (excerpt) [Atmosphere for Dreaming, Timeroom Direct 2018]

Программа "Экзотика", 2019.01.19

1) Mono "Parting" (Nowhere Now Here, 2019, Pelagic Records)
2) Mono "After You Comes the Flood" (Nowhere Now Here, 2019, Pelagic Records)

Seance 853 14.01.2019

Gleisberg / Grassow / Seviroli (nostalgia) — Redericks Death [The Fall of the House of Usher, Mathias Grassow 2018]

Программа "Экзотика", 2019.01.12

1) Bluetech "Helix" (Liquid Geometries, 2018, DiN)
2) Bluetech "Bardo Waves" (Liquid Geometries, 2018, DiN)
3) Little People "Skies Turn Blue" (Landloper, 2019, Future Archive Recordings)

Seance 852 07.01.2019

Chronotope Project — A Prayer for Tenderness [Lotus Rising, Spotted Peccary 2018]
Chronotope Project — Lotus Rising [Lotus Rising, Spotted Peccary 2018]

Seance 851 24.12.2018

Rhucle — New Rain [New Rain, Oxtail 2018]
Rhucle — Mizzle [New Rain, Oxtail 2018]
Rhucle — Warm Winds [More beautiful than Silence, Constellation Tatsu 2018]

Seance 850 17.12.2018

Bvdub — Two O'Clock [Nights of Nine Vigils, bvdub 2018]
Bvdub — Nine O'Clock [Nights of Nine Vigils, bvdub 2018]

Seance 849 10.12.2018

Federico Durand — Racímos de Luz [Pequeñas Melodías, IIKKI 2018]
Federico Durand — La Tarde Ronda por la Casa [Pequeñas Melodías, IIKKI 2018]

Seance 848 03.12.2018

Endless Melancholy — Postcards [Fragment of scattered Whispers, Dronarivm 2018]
Endless Melancholy — Washed away by slow Currents [Fragment of scattered Whispers, Dronarivm 2018]

Seance 847 19.11.2018

Tomasz Bednarczyk — Rainy Drive [Illustrations for those who, Room40 2018]
Tomasz Bednarczyk — Six Sounds [Illustrations for those who, Room40 2018]

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